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hey so had a quick question - I notice the "fail condition" for blueberry mode is essentially running out of score... might there be a way to... increase that score? perhaps in future versions if not currently? hehe I really enjoy getting the character stuck somewhere and letting them swell but I find that generally the score hits 0 before they fully occupy the space lol many thanks and great work! was an incredibly engaging game :) 


Ô, dev the almighty, give us the holy knowledge we crave so dearly, knowledge that is how to increase the score in the blueberry mode


The reason it's limited is because it causes instabilities. The larger you get, the larger the forces are, and with the walls, it gets.... laggy. Too big and it crashes not only the game but your computer. I chose the max size per-level based on how large you could get without this happening.

I also made the last level the way it is for a reason, for all you size demons who want to just fill up the entire screen.

In terms of altering these values after the fact, there's probably a way to do it, but would require hex editing or Melon Loader, both of which I have 0 experience with

or, since we can smash walls, I suggest we just put "tier 1" walls everywhere so we can smash everything even if we're "just started the level" small, and for the melon loader, I'll try to learn a bit about it and see if I can change the points number 

just took a look at melon loader as well, be sure to check out the "universal mods" section of the wiki for it! those tools look like they might be useful. for example "Explorer" by "Sinai" sounds like it could come in handy. best wishes homie lol 

haha i gotcha, when i was messing around with the size demony stuff on the last level i managed to get the player character stuck in some buildings and saw that instability firsthand. never had a crash though just lots of slowdown. props for including that level anyhow lol. also big thanks for the response :) will check those things out. thanks again!! 

I really wanted to have a mobile version

It's coming, I promise, I've just been ridiculously busy with school of late, and the mobile version requires a lot more work than just selecting a drop down, cause it requires a lot of optimizations. But it will be the first thing I work on when I finish up school in a few weeks


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i wonder if there is any way to disable the popping in the blueberry mode, like i want the character to just expand forever

EDIT : also, if you go in a "walled off area" in the Lab level and you wait for your character to just expand and break the walls, it will lag the game and then crash it 


i know there's a way to disable popping when you reach the max size, but i do agree there should be a fun mode where you can just let your character endlessly expand, like a sorta sandbox mode

and do you know how to disable popping ? or do i have to look it up elsewhere ?

i think i know how to do it, maybe if we go on the level files, we can change the starting points number and set it to like 1 000 000 000 (One billion), since we only pop when the number reaches 0 (zero)

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oh shit i just posted a comment asking this very thing. i think it would indeed work but is this possible to do on our end currently? not sure how to open those level files 


I tried opening the level file with Unity hub, since the game was made on unity, but it didn't open the code of the level, we have to try something else 

Well I do have to say, this game is pretty fun. However, some of the goals are very hard to accomplish, like getting both the pars and wisps in the bakery. Plus, it is missing a very big chunk that real golf has

Still utterly in love with this game! Only a few challenges left to beat.

I remember playing an earlier build and leaving the final lab sequence running as long as it went.. How much do I have to pay to get a cheat mode which disables Blueberry mode ending at score 0? ;)

If you've run out of challenges, I have some ideas, like try to absorb the least amount of thicc in blueberry mode, save the last character with the biggest possible size (still in blueberry mode), "walk" as slowly as you can, etc...

i have completed the game and i have one question, what is the unocked 4th button? is it a sandbox level?

It's just the thank you screen, with the big Smasher graphic on the beach, if that's what you mean

nvm I already ficure that out

also whare can i find the user glitchybits, i just saw the creator of this username of this mlp skin

They're purchasable in the store!

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i get that but aparently I found the creator of this oc, calles iwin12, and the oc's name was actually Littchie, pretty cool right?

EDIT: and before you say anything, yes i am aware that glitchbits was her alternate username on some of her accounts.

Am I the only one who's having trouble with the camera that always drifts to the bottom left on the map and every level?

That's really odd. I've never heard of that issue. Do you have a controller plugged in at all?

Apparently, yes...^^;

That fixed it

on Rotund Retreat stage, no matter how much i try, i cannot find those hidden rooms. i tried shrunk myself to smallest as possible and avoid all wills. small tunnel never being accessible

Oh shoot. I lead you astray, I didn't read your first comment right. Yeah, only the 1st lab has hidden areas. I'm so sorry!

The goals for RR are Escaping under par, saving everyone, collecting all the thiccs, or avoiding them all

oh no wonder, thank for reply!

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what is last challenge for 2nd lab retreat? beside burger bug, that is last challenge

currently cannot see what condition due to disappearance of words

There's 2 hidden areas to find, a score based goal and low stroke number goal


thx for reply :D

done and thank for help and i enjoy this game, hope for sequel or sort in future :D

just wondering, is there really hidden areas in 2nd lab? the one with all prisoners

The other one is just a way to get back to the beginning if you miss the first thiccs

no luck

i tried youtube to see if someone success it so i can replicate the action, i notice i dont have smasher in main menu when i see him on youtube

not sure if it is bug but: 2nd round of lab map, challenges and par fonts disappear, i can only see checkmark and par increase so i dont know what is first and last challenge is (i finished 2nd and 3rd)

That is actually really odd. I'll look into it

same for blueberry mode as well

just in case, i use mac 

I think this game would be even more fun with a sandbox/level editor mode, I love this game and think a level editor would be super fun to mess around with!

I completed every level yesterday and now i cant load the save file anymore but I still want to complete the challenges on the levels any idea on how I can get the save file to work?

That's really odd, does it just show that there's no save file, or?

its a very odd case the file is shown with all the data on the file select screen but I've not been able to go into the save file and access it.

Does it just crash when you try and load it or does it just treat it like a new game and load into the opening cutscene?

It doesn't crash the game but it just doesn't let me use the file like when I try to select it I made another file but I'm not sure if the same thing will happen to it as well

es un juego que realmente me impresionó apesar de su simpleas y la corta duracion de el juego, pero el detalle grafico, las fisicas y el detalle de los sonidos estomacales y demas cosas que no mencionaré, hacen que disfrute demasiado el juego. solo me hubiese gustado que tuviese mas variedad de elementos, modos de juego y de historia. sobre todo me hubiese fascinado que pudiesemos usar una skin personalizada por uno mismo. pero bueno,  ya estoy pidiendo mucho para un producto gratis y de una calidad muy descente.

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"It is a game that really impressed me despite its simplicity and the short duration of the game, but the graphic detail, the physics and the detail of the stomach sounds and other things that I will not mention, make me enjoy the game too much. I just wish it had more variety of elements, game modes and history. Above all, I would have been fascinated if we could use a custom skin by ourselves. but hey, I'm already asking a lot for a free product of a very decent quality."

(just trying to translate translating for non-spanish speakers :) )

thank you bro :3. no lo podria haber escrito en ingles porque mi nivel de ingles no me lo hubiese permitido


Aw man, I wish I had own anteater guy added into this game as my B-day surprise over week ago.

I saw so many familiar faces and my friends boasting their characters in that game but no one told me about that.


The only two flaws are:

1) Few females.

2) The chest does not grow with the rest of the body.

The reason there aren't many females is because not many females partook in the YCH. If you want more females in the game, you're free to pay for a slot and volunteer one.

how can I see the ending after clear "Volumous Vault"?

So much furry and artist representation. Would be interested in seeing maybe a protogen or synth skin. 

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Why is it not working on itch?? T~T 

It was working before and then, I try to play it the next day and it doesn't work at all!!

What's not working?

I tired playing it on itch but it's not working, I press "Launch" but nothing happens!
Also, when I tried playing it as a download, it keeps saying something about "VCRUNTIME140.dll was not found" and "MSVCP140.dll was not found" GAAAHH!!

you cannot play it on Itch, you have to download. Did you unzip the file and make sure when you tried to launch the game from Smasher.exe that you were launching it from the folder and not the zip?

yes, it is still not working...

LOVE the game so far, holy hell is blueberry mode a sharp difficulty spike though. Just a quick bug report: I noticed that if you finish a level and click a level before the after-level cutscene plays, the game softlocks. Dunno how to explain it better, but it should be easy to replicate.

It's not working for some reason... I launch it, but nothing happens... it just says, last played 1 second ago, and up and up

How does the "cook a burger" goal work? I've tried knocking the burger on the floor into the stove, and I've tried knocking it through a WOTT, and neither one did anything...


The goal is unfortunately bugged and will be fixed for the final version!


Since YCH is closed, is there a way to mod skins in?

Deleted post
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Thanks, but there's two things on my mind. I'm curious, is there a completion bonus of sorts? Either all challenges/highest rank on everything?  Also, is there a possibility of a level creator in the future? I'm not an expert on game development even if i'd like to be, but would it be difficult to implement such a thing?

Regardless if you have either of those in mind, great game.

im now determined to find out how to make modded skins, ive done it with soda dungeon and i shall do it once more, also im excited. great work

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Really should have alot more extras besides skins. Maybe a Skin creator could be unlocked? And I feel there should be some kind of "Jiggle" extra where you can play with the jiggle physics with your mouse cursor. Just thoughts really.

A fun game so far! Quick question though; is there a way to zoom the camera in? It's hard to make out the features on some characters in windowed mode.

In the current state, there is not. I can look into it for the future!

where does blueberry mode come into play?

After you beat the main 9 levels!

Though you can use the code "BlueberryMeNow" to activate it immediately

I already figured it out, I did not know about the code though, also I think you mean 10 levels because you technically made the lab and escape ones separate on the map but it just immediately transitions into escape after doing lab


can you add a guide for each level?

please make this work on chromebooks

Games like this are odd, then again vore games are more so.

Note: one of the types of games I'm in to is vore games. (If it's furry themed)


I think you should really try to get in touch with HIJOKEtheDragon and make a collaboration between your games. 

It would be cool to see characters from Smasher and the Will o' the Thiccs as skins in Riki's Inflation Game 2 and vice versa.

Even if it's just Riki in Smasher and the Will o' and Smasher in Riki's Inflation Game 2 it would still be cool.


Honestly not a bad idea


Will there be an android version I really want to play it


Already is! Sorry, didn't post it here!

It's not perfect, for certain, but it works


does this work on IPhone?


Unfortunately no. Apps cannot be installed on iOS without going through the App Store, which requires a license, so I unfortunately can't make an iOS version, sorry.


oh ok then sorry to bother you then 


Got up the mall level so far and I'm really impressed by how well this is put together! Loved the dialogue in the intro and between levels, the map screen is delightful, and once i'd done a few strokes it felt really intuitive and fun to smash through rooms to get to the last wisp lol, FANTASTIC work!!!

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