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maybe someone else could be given this game so he or she can  continue with this game?


I feel bad for creatureunknown,R.I.P creatureunknown

Man, I came in wondering "why is it still at V1?" come to find out the creator is gone.

(1 edit) (+2)(-16)

hey question can just anyone grab the source code and make this agme into a full game that Is on steam for free just asking






dude, he's DEAD. In real life. the fuck is wrong with you?


There's a STRONG CHANCE they did not know they were dead, save the "what's wrong with you" remarks unless proven that they knew otherwise. /lh /nbr



Deleted 172 days ago

He passed away some time ago, my pal...


rest in peace, Tyler.


okay who the hell downvoted this


I download game in 2022, and thet still awesome! I cant wait to see new update (like now)

good luck for all


There won't be any more updates, the developer sadly passed away.


thet doing me sad =(

(1 edit) (+11)(-2)

I just tried the game yesterday and it impressed me so much…sorry to know that Creature Unknown has passed away. He's a so talented that it's a pity to see many of his work left unfinished. How I wish someone can continue his work:(


Sad to see the other games creature was working on will never see the light of day. He was super talented and these were a highlight of every jam he was in


I didn't even realize Creature was developing this game. Just looked at his catalogue and noticed this was among it. It is sad his projects, which have such great potential, will be left unrealized. :(


Creature unknown will be very very dearly missed.

what file holds the npc data


RIP CreatureUnknown


so who is working on it now?

more and likely no one 


If you had taken a second to check the other comments you'd have known that unfortunately CreatureUnknown, who would be the developer of this, has recently passed.

Please remain civil.


This just made me depressed, knowing it was recent my heart goes to everyone who was deeply affected.


yes, but someone else could remake and expand it


Pretty sure Creature was the only dev, but sadly he passed away


Rest in peace, CreatureUnknown.


Just so you all know:

CreatureUnknown has passed away. Cause of death is unknown.


i dont believe it are you joking


Unfortunately, I am not.




I was a friend of his. He passed due to a hereditary heart disease. He went quick and painlessly. He was a great person, so I have no doubt hes in a better place now


This may sound like a dumb question, but how did you find out about it?


Such a cute game! I played for fetish stuff, ended up getting hooked on the gameplay and spent like three hours getting gold XD


Hey I have a question CreatureUnkown, do think you can add some burps and belches in this game? Like when ever the kobold you play as eats a coin, it would burp, and the villagers when they get fat, they would just randomly burp(could also be used as a way of alerting the player of nearby npcs).  I think it would make the experience more exciting. :3


so what’s the good ending then?


you should make an apple version.


you should do it yourself then. 


you should make a mobile version

I cant seem to change the settings. it wont let me adjust the graphics or resolution. it just highlights itself and the dropdown wont work. Am i doing something wrong? 


Probably not. It's very buggy.


do you plan to make updates on this game? I don't who exactly won the jam, I tried to research and I guess this game was the winner :0! sooooo do you plan to make an update to this game?


I hope he update it, it's a really good game ngl


This is genuinely a very nice game, and has a lot of potential for if you decide to continue working on it in the future. Very endearing, kobolds cute.


is there a female version / skin?




That's good to know, since I'm not into male stuff but really enjoy the game

Deleted 289 days ago

not sure. I've been busy with other projects

Deleted 289 days ago

is there a way to play this game and besides the way i'm supposed to get it ready isn't really working if there is another way please tell m

do the skins allow you to carry more gold?


they do not, they are just cosmetic

I don't even think there was ever a limit to begin with 


Congrats on getting the highest GainJam Finalist Rating!!!

(1 edit) (+2)

the game is amazing

Awesome work as always Creature


How do you get new game +??

Deleted 117 days ago

There is not. And the max capacity is just that you do fill up faster, ie takes less gold to slow you down and you make more noise from it. The folder name is purely coincidence

And how is it Updated?


The game is not, and cannot be updated until the Judging period for the Gain Jam concludes. I did however post a 'devlog' asking what people wanted to see added to the game, which Itch counted as an update to the game

It's fun, good gurgles.
There's an exploit where jumping and moving only while in the air stops suspicion from rising, and the smolbold perk seems to work a bit counterproductively

Still absolutely love how cutesy the game is


i hope you add more to this game. it's honestly really fun and i think you could make something really good out of this.


really good! But the stairs loading and unloading villagers breaks them and soft locks those stairs and sometimes the pop up doesn't appear when chased (i think its because of the zoom out)


To much to ask for at this time, but would be fun to have more stages, dragon/hoard sizes, upgrades, and cutscenes.  Could be interesting even to branch out and add other game modes after reaching certain milestones, such as since the dragon grows so could the kobolds too (with or without dragon assistance) if say instead of sneaking around to grab money, you beat it out of them ^^; "fear the "tax" / tribute collector! (Simple magic can be utilized to transform them for desired task player chooses).  This is just for ideas in general if you wish to expand (pardon the pun) upon the game.

That aside there are still some bugs in the game, mostly dealing with ? and ! not appearing over some characters and they suddenly go after you, characters having trouble resetting to their initial position after moving/chasing, and worst is getting stuck in and blocking doorway because of belly and door collision.

Last question which may be bit spoiler, but what is the gold needed for max dragon/hoard size?

then ive found all the cutscenes then well the game was enjoyable

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